🏗️Infrastructure Overview

Experience Infinity Rift's powerful infrastructure: advanced technologies, seamless connectivity, and immersive visuals, forging a boundless digital universe for exploration.

Meta-Multiverse Infrastructure Components

We are excited to share with you the infrastructure that underpins the Infinity Rift Meta-Multiverse project, which is designed to facilitate a deeply interconnected digital environment, allowing users to access various games, metaverses, and virtual realms within the Meta-Multiverse. The following components play a crucial role in the project's infrastructure:

  1. IPFS: The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) serves as the foundation for decentralized storage of assets within the Meta-Multiverse ecosystem, enabling seamless file sharing across multiple devices and networks.

  2. Filecoin.io: Integrated with the Infinity Rift project, Filecoin is a decentralized storage network that provides a secure, distributed storage solution for users, ensuring reliable and efficient access to assets across the Meta-Multiverse.

  3. Layerzero.network: LayerZero is an interoperability protocol connecting various blockchain networks, facilitating seamless communication and data exchange. Its integration with the Meta-Multiverse ecosystem enhances asset interoperability and information flow across different platforms and blockchain networks.

  4. Polygon zkEVM: Utilizing this scalable, secure layer-2 blockchain platform, the Infinity Rift project ensures fast, secure, and low-cost transactions within the Meta-Multiverse ecosystem.

  5. Kaleido.io: This blockchain management and automation platform streamlines the deployment and management of blockchain networks, allowing the Infinity Rift project to maintain a reliable and efficient infrastructure.

  6. OpenUSD ecosystem: Adopting Pixar's open-sourced Universal Scene Description (USD) file format for assets within the Meta-Multiverse enables easy transfer and utilization across different game engines and platforms with off-chain integration to Nvidia Omniverse's OpenUSD ecosystem.

  7. Nvidia Omniverse: By integrating the Nvidia Omniverse platform, the Meta-Multiverse ecosystem can develop and explore interconnected digital experiences within various virtual realms, providing real-time interactivity and high-fidelity graphics.

    • Unreal Engine 5: Unreal Engine 5 (UE5) is a state-of-the-art game engine developed by Epic Games, designed to create stunningly realistic virtual worlds with high-quality graphics and advanced physics simulations. By incorporating UE5 into the Infinity Rift Meta-Multiverse infrastructure, users can experience seamless integration of assets and environments within the ecosystem.

    • UE5's revolutionary technologies, such as Nanite Virtualized Geometry and Lumen Global Illumination, enable developers to create highly detailed and dynamic virtual realms that can be easily integrated into the Meta-Multiverse. Its native support for the USD file format ensures smooth interoperability with assets created in other platforms, facilitating the exchange and utilization of assets across the Infinity Rift ecosystem.

    • The inclusion of Unreal Engine 5 as part of the overall infrastructure strengthens the visual fidelity, performance, and interconnectedness of the Infinity Rift Meta-Multiverse, offering users an even more immersive and visually stunning experience as they explore the vast array of virtual realms, assets, and experiences within the ecosystem.

  8. Nvidia GeForce Now and Steam: Aspiring to incorporate Nvidia's GeForce Now and Steam cloud gaming service into the Meta-Multiverse ecosystem allows users to enjoy seamless gaming experiences across different platforms and metaverses, further enhancing the interoperability of the ecosystem.

  9. Infinity Rift Components: The project consists of the RIFT dApp, TNFTs, iTNFTs, and Meta-Node dApps, providing unique features and value propositions, including decentralized asset creation and management, intelligent tokens, and onboarding mechanisms for existing and future games or metaverses.

    • RIFT dApp: Leveraging IPFS and Filecoin.io for decentralized storage, the RIFT dApp facilitates the creation and management of assets such as TNFTs, iTNFTs, and IDTs. By utilizing Polygon zkEVM's layer-2 blockchain platform, and Layerzero.net, it enables fast, secure, and low-cost transactions for asset creation, redemption, cross-chain interoperability, and RIFT DAO governance.

    • TNFTs (Transformational Non-Fungible Tokens): TNFTs are supercharged Phygital assets with many innovative features, integrating the USD file ecosystem for seamless interoperability between game engines, platforms, and blockchain networks. LayerZero.network's interoperability protocol ensures TNFTs can flow freely across various platforms and networks within the Meta-Multiverse.

    • iTNFTs (Intelligent Transformational Non-Fungible Tokens): These tokens incorporate generative AI programs integrated with the underlying 3D asset USD file, like Aria Nova, to create intelligent minted TNFT assets. iTNFTs benefit from the combined infrastructure of IPFS, Filecoin.io, LayerZero.network, Polygon zkEVM, and Nvidia Omniverse to create a versatile, interconnected token experience across blockchains, platforms, and game engines.

    • Meta-Node dApps: These dApps act as onboarding mechanisms for existing and future games or metaverses within the Meta-Multiverse ecosystem. By using Kaleido.io's blockchain management and automation platform, the deployment and management of Meta-Node dApps are streamlined, ensuring efficient integration with the entire ecosystem.

    By combining these Infinity Rift components with decentralized storage, interoperability protocols, layer-2 blockchain platforms, and advanced visualization technologies, the project delivers an inclusive, interconnected digital environment. This allows users to explore and engage with a vast array of virtual realms, assets, and experiences within the Meta-Multiverse ecosystem, providing endless opportunities for creativity, collaboration, and entertainment.

Last updated